Children in Zambia

The Mutende project is an exciting opportunity where UK and Zambian partners are working together to work in areas of poverty and to support the education of young children.

With a population of around 15 million and more than 70 ethnic groups and languages, Zambia is a colourful mix of cultures and traditions.

Friendly, welcoming and impressively resilient Zambian people have a deep-seated sense of belonging. It’s this appreciation of family and community that is such a help when facing the challenges of life in sub Saharan Africa: a life expectancy of 57, extremely high unemployment, virtually every family affected by AIDS with 1 in 6 being HIV positive and over a million aids orphans.

Education is crucial to change the future of this country.


The population of Zambia is 13 million of which 1.2 million are orphans. The 1.2 million children that are classified as orphaned and vulnerable are evidence of how hard the HIV and AIDS pandemic has hit the people of Zambia. Life expectancy at birth is 37,5 years, the fourth lowest in the world. About 845,000 people live with HIV/AIDS between the ages of 15-49

It is one of the poorest countries in the world, with 50% unemployment. 64% of the population lives on less than 60p a day. As the parent generation has succumbed to HIV/AIDS, children have often been left to the care of elderly grandmothers that cannot provide for them most of the time.

It is expected that 60% of babies born will not survive to the age of 40. Maternal mortality at 729 per 100,000 live births is amongst the highest in the world. Pregnancy and birth remain a serious threat for many mothers.

Although not usually quoted as the cause of death, it is estimated that malnutrition is an underlying factor in 54% of child deaths, largely as a result of HIV/AIDS.

Zambia’s Orphans:(UNICEF)